
How to have an online lesson

How to have an online lesson

WooChess is a proactive educational platform that gives opportunity and sources to everyone who wants to learn online chess. It is the first e-learning multifunctional website that gives a huge opportunity to those who want to have effective, dynamic and productive online chess lessons. 

If you’re already WooChess coach and here is a quick guide for you how to pass your lessons.

After making your profile and filling all required information, you can be ready for your lesson. For starting your lesson you need to get “Dashboard”. 

Dashboard button in Woochess

In your dashboard page, you will see will see your created lessons.  Click the “Enter” button and you will enter the live classroom. 

Dashboard in Woochess

 Now you are in the virtual classroom. In the left side of the screen, you will see the icon of Settings.

Left settings button

During your lesson, you can have your Lesson plan in an opened way through the left settings button.(You can create or edit  your lesson plan, from the left sidebar, finding the “Course” button).

Lesson Plan

Below of the plan, you will see  “Games” and “Puzzles” which you can use in your lesson. Again you can prepare the notable games or some moves which you want to use during your lesson. Or if you want to give your students a quick break, giving a puzzle to solve.

Games and Puzzles in Lesson plan

Moving in the center of the screen you will see three buttons.

Full-screen button is for making the board full screen.

Mute button- Here you have the opportunity to mute all the participants.

Middle buttons

The Middle setting button is for  Chessboard, Here you can change chess pieces style, board theme, turn on/ the sound and etc.

Middle settings button

Moving right side of the screen are the following buttons:

Hand button - for moving the pieces
Scissors button - deletes all  done moves
Png/print - is used when you want to print the moves of  the lesson or game
Nags - used to annotate chess games, typically providing an assessment of a chess move or a chess position.

Working tools

Round button -  is used for  easily fliping the sides of the board.

Round button

In the right corner of the page is the Chat box where you and your students can have a conversation, or discuss something when you unmuted the lesson.

Chat box

So this is enough for having an online lesson. But if you have any questions about the charge, pls go to FAQ.